publication date: Nov 12, 2009
author/source: Anne Coates

As someone who finds
sleep difficult I rarely have a problem
waking in the morning but what did instantly appeal to me about the LUMIE® Bodyclock™was having a
light turn itself off as I frequently
fall asleep reading having left the light on!
LUMIE® Bodyclock™ is simplicity itself to
set up. After you've set the
current time, you decide on your
"wake-up speed" 15, 30, 60 or 90 minutes. There is also a
back-up bleeper (you can disable this) which has a
snooze function and will sound again
nine minutes later.
Setting up the sunset (
go to sleep programme) has similar
instructions and timings. Plus you can use the
sunset function to end up as a
nightlight – great for children if they like this
reassurance. You can adjust the
brightness of the digital
time display which will
automatically dim when the light is at a
low level and the wake-up or sunset sequences are set.
If you – or your
children if you are using the LUMIE® Bodyclock™ for them – find
outside noises intrusive you can use a continuous
white noise "hiss" to mask them.
The "
dawn simulator" is great for helping
teens wake up more refreshed and helps people with
jet-lag or who work
night shifts to get back on track.
I have been really
impressed with the LUMIE® Bodyclock™ and a huge
plus factor for people who need to
get up in the night – seeing to a
baby or child or popping to the loo! – is you can just
touch the control for a very
low level light which allows you to
see what you are doing without
blasting you with light and making you
more awake.
Another very useful feature is the
security mode which which allows you to set the
LUMIE® Bodyclock™' light to switch on and off at random between
4pm and 11pm to give the impression a house is
The LUMIE® Bodyclock™ costs £97.82 and is available from or call the
careline on 01954 780 500