publication date: Nov 14, 2009
author/source: Louise Pollard, Jon Bell and Harriet Elliott

The family have all enjoyed
Paw Ridge from Quaker Oats. We have had
two varieties to test, natural (100 per cent finely rolled
wholegrain oats) and honey flavoured (with added sugar and
natural flavourings).
daughter, Mathilde, who at 11 has just started
secondary school, has found the
honey flavoured porridge to her liking. The porridge is
not too sweet, with only
enough sugar for it to contain just
four per cent of a child's daily allowance.
Joe my eight year-old loves honey but was
adding extra honey to the honey flavoured porridge! He now has the
natural porridge, and adds honey to suit his
sweet-toothed taste!
Mathilde, with her
early start to school, has breakfast at
6.30am, so the
convenience of this porridge is a bonus.
Milk is measured in the
sachet and the porridge is ready in
90 seconds in the microwave. She says the porridge keeps her feeling
sustained right up until
lunchtime. Paw Ridge can be cooked in the
conventional way too. My favourite way is a bowl of
natural porridge, a chopped banana and a
little honey - delicious!
Louise Pollard
Quaker is an old name in porridge-making but
lacks the zing of other breakfast
cereal brands. Enter
Paw Ridge, a new way of packaging porridge oats in a
colourful box festooned with
cartoon characters and activities.
Convenience is the key: this porridge is meant to be made in the microwave, with
portion-sized sachets to minimise mess. The box also claims there are "
No Lumps!" - essential for those with
breakfast-time divas. The swift
90 seconds
cooking time needs to be matched by the all-important
cooling time, especially because
microwaves are involved, but the porridge itself was pleasant enough and
lump-free as promised - it would be a good
beginner's porridge for children who might ultimately
graduate to the real thing.
cereal-loving children were initially
suspicious, but the liberal addition of
mashed banana helped things along. Stylistically,
Paw Ridge owes a lot to contemporary
animated films like
Open Season and
Over the Hedge. There's also a stab at
early morning interactivity with the promise of hidden
paw prints to be found. "
Go to and hold [the paw print] up in front of a webcam. One of us from Paw Ridge will appear."
breakfast got a whole lot more complicated.
Jon Bell

Quaker Oats
Paw Ridge (gettit?) porridge is a
triumph of clever marketing - essentially it's a
neat idea that makes dull old porridge a bit
more interesting for today's sophisticated
children... great packaging with a
load of characters, clever copy, an
involving little website while all along not that disimilar to their
Oats So Simple product, I suspect.
It's really
easy to make (individual packets that you can use to
measure the milk in - clever), microwave or on the hob, the
honey variety smells delicious, it's a good
consistency when it's cooked and the
only criticism would be that the
portion sizes are a little on the small side for my
greedy bear.But
basically if you can justify spending a little more than normal then this is a
sure fire way to get your small people
eating healthily but with enthusiasm at breakfast.
Well done, Quakers.
Harriet Elliott
Quaker Oats,
Paw Ridge £1.99 is available nationwide