publication date: Nov 9, 2009
author/source: Alex Bell and Nicole Burroughs

Yummm" said Pippa at the
mere sight of the as yet unopened
Organix fruit pot. At nearly 20 months she is a connoisseur of
Organix purées and snacks. It was her big
brother's comment that made me laugh "why do they have to put
babies on the pots when
big boys eat them too!?" Sure enough they have
both enjoyed the flavours we've been sampling -
apple and vanilla plus apple, banana and plum.
Organix promise "
no junk" and the ingredients list is
reassuringly pure with no added sugar, no colourings, no flavourings. The
labelling is really clear with a "
taste" and "
texture" as well as "
age" recommendation.
plastic pots are most convenient, no need for a
fridge which is great for taking
out and about as well as being nice and
lightweight rather than heavier
glass. I tried to work out
which flavour Pippa likes best but she r
elishes all pots equally.
not to love about Organix? From
weaning babe to
schoolboy, their products are really
easy to find in shops and always
hit the spot.
Alex Bell

I am a big fan of
Organix's finger foods - in fact I seldom go anywhere without a pack of
Organix Rice Cakes (Eva particularly loves the
Blueberry ones). I also recently discovered Organix's range of
fruit purées, which really are very good. Unlike some of the other brands, they are a nice
thick consistency (better for staying on the spoon!), and they have a really
good variety of flavours - the apple and plum ones are
particularly good.
Organix have expanded their range
savoury meal pots and some are definitely even more tasty.
Eva (now 15 months) is really too old for these types of foods, I do still use them on occasion when we're
out and about, and it's great to know she's getting a
healthy and nutritious meal, even when we're on the hoof.
I certainly buy into the
Organix philosophy and would
recommend all of their products to other mums, and I can see myself carrying around packs of
Organix Rice Cakes to keep Eva away from crisps until she is much
much older!
Nicole Burroughs
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