publication date: Feb 22, 2010

Australian company
Make My Day, known for their
simple and practical products designed to make life that little bit easier, have the answer to
warming baby's food while you're out and about with their great looking
bottle warmer.
Make My Day bottle warmer features an
inner warming pouch with a cow motif and an
outer thermal bag in cow print. The
bottle warmer is easy to use
simply click the button and the
pouch will heat the
milk or food placed in it. If it's coming up to your
baby's feeding time, just place the bottle,
food jar or container into the
heating pouch then pop this into the
outer bag whilst you find a
convenient place to feed your baby. When you're ready you'll find that the pouch has
heated the milk or food to the
required temperature.
Once you get
home all you have to do to
reactivate the
heating agent in the pouch is to place it in a
saucepan of hot water. The
bottle warmer is compact in size and will
fit easily into your baby's
changing bag so you'll always have it to hand when you need it.
Parenting Without Tears is delighted to have six
Make My Day bottle warmers to give away as prizes.
enter our competition simply
answer the following question:
Which country do Make My Day products come from? Enter hereWinners will be the f
irst six correct emails opened at random after 6pm on
22 March 2010. One entry per household.
Make My Day Bottle Warmer is available from priced