publication date: Jun 27, 2011

The "
Putting Childhood Leukaemia to Bed" campaign, running
in-store and
online, will see
M&S donate
ten per cent from all sales of
children's nightwear for two weeks starting on
Monday 27 June until Sunday 10 July. M&S has chosen leading blood cancer charity
Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research as official charity for Kidswear. It is hoped
M&S customers will get behind the
campaign and help raise as much money as possible for
research to find better,
safer treatments for
childhood leukaemia.
Thanks to continued investment in
pioneering research by Leukaemia & Lymphoma
90 per cent of children now survive the
most common form of childhood leukaemia. But treatments are still very
aggressive and can have
long-lasting effects. And sadly some children
still die from this terrible disease.
The "
Putting Childhood Leukaemia to Bed" campaign will be supported by
in-store promotions in every UK department store. The
promotional materials will feature four children who have
survived leukaemia and are currently in
remission modelling M&S nightwear.
Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research is the only
UK charity solely dedicated to research into
blood cancers, including
leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma. These cancers are diagnosed in around
28,500 children, teenagers and adults in the UK every year. The charity receives
no government funding and rely entirely on
voluntary support. They need to raise
£120 million in the next five years to continue this
life-saving research.
Further information, including
patient information booklets, is available from or call 020 7405 0101.