publication date: Jan 9, 2010
author/source: Ann Lloyd

Hands First invisible gloves was a pleasure to try out.
Initially I did not think it was
different from any other
hand cream but when it is used as a
preventative cream before doing any
manual work, your hands can feel the difference!
trialled the cream before
cleaning the cooker and on another day before a
session in the garden and when I finished the tasks my hands felt
smooth and
wonderful. It certainly
prevents the skin getting
too dry and
damaged even with lots of
cleaning fluids or
soil, etc. on my hands.
Hands First invisible gloves is in a very
easy-to-use container but be warned, a little bit goes a
long way.
highly recommend this cream as a skin
protection for the hardest working hands.
Hypoallergenic and
dermatologically tested, Hands First invisible gloves £4.99/75ml is available online from Superdrug.
Parenting Without Tears has 50 sachets to give away –
request a sample.