publication date: Mar 9, 2012
author/source: Julia Bairstow & Anne Coates

As I have got
older I have
been quite conscious of the early
signs of ageing, especially on the back of my
hands. Therefore I was keen to try these
Anti Ageing Hand Treatment Gloves, which contained Vitamin E,
Macadamia Butter and Grape Seed Oil and which claimed that after use,"‘hands
will look
younger with a spectacular improvement in
texture and
I wore the
treatment gloves for the specified
15 minutes and once removed I gently rubbed in the residue, which took about
ten minutes before all of it was completely
absorbed and I was able to use my
hands freely again. Although
initially my
hands felt smooth and soft to touch, after about
half an hour they
appeared similar to how they
originally had been prior to the
treatment, with
the reappearance of the
wrinkly texture on the backs.
Personally I felt that these
gloves provided fewer
benefits for me than I have from regular use of a good
hand lotion.
Julia BairstowI put on one
glove only to find I couldn't open the other with my fingers encased so if you are using the
Anti Ageing Hand Treatment Gloves make sure you open them out properly first!
gloves were quite large so I massaged my
hands and
fingers for maximum coverage. When I removed them after the required
15 minutes my hands felt smooth but not more so than when using a
hand cream. I didn't have to wait the
ten minutes Julia did, rubbing in the
residue afterwards.
One could get a
similar effect by applying a lot of
hand cream and then wrapping your
hands in clingfilm. As these
Anti Ageing Hand Treatment Gloves are one use only, at £4.50 a pair, they do work out to be an
expensive treat.