publication date: Nov 21, 2011

There are now so many excellent books for
pre-school children now that this little tale while amusing, hardly ranks with the greats – books like
Beautiful Oops! and
Perfect Piggies! spring to mind.
The Golden Prince is the day in the life of a little boy – the
brave knight – and what he gets up to from
rescuing damsels in distress to
hunting wild beasts (the cat). It's the type of tale that any mildly
creative parent might make up for their offspring and nothing wrong in that. It just
lacks depth and the jokes seem to be for the
adults rather than the
child. But if you know a
little one who likes dressing up and racing around as a
knight – this will propably appeal to him.
illustrations are quite
witty but I really couldn't understand the use of
capital letters presumably for emphasis.
PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥
The Golden Prince (Ipp Single Titles)
is available from Amazon.