publication date: Jan 26, 2010
author/source: Sian Minett

Although it is usually a
challenge to get my eight year old son to
read anything but the
Beano, James couldn’t wait to make a read
Why Does Ear Wax Taste So Gross? as the title is so
appealing to the mentality of boys of that age. This is the
fifth book in the series which includes titles such as
Why Do Farts Smell like Rotten Eggs? and
How Much Poo Does An Elephant Do?” – exactly the sort of things that children of
junior school age want to know about!
Why Does Ear Wax Taste So Gross? is stuffed full of
facts and figures, grouped into
bite-sized topics such as "Human beings", "History", "The names of things you didn’t know had names" and "Unintentionally funny newspaper headlines". Whilst it is true that there are some
gross facts in this book, the majority are
interesting and
entertaining, rather than disgusting!
Nonetheless James
really enjoyed this book and both his
older sisters (aged 11 and 16) have also dipped into
Why Does Ear Wax Taste So Gross? as it includes
trivia to interest and inform (although much is
light-hearted rather than wholly educational) anyone, irrespective of age: it has been a
hit with all three!
What is
particularly good about this book is that children
keep picking it up and re-reading sections so it has an
enduring appeal.
only gripe is that I was unable to find an
answer to the question posed in the
book’s title!
Published by
Random House, Mitchell Symons' book is available to order from
Amazon – just
click the link below:
Why Does Ear Wax Taste So Gross?