publication date: Dec 10, 2011
author/source: Christine Mayle

I wear my
HOTPANTS™ regularly (minimum three times a
week) to my 30 minutes
Curves workout.
During my
exercise sessions I have
noticed a
significant increase in
the amount of
sweat I produce. At first this was quite disorientating but now I
am use to it, the effect is quite
powerful motivator. The
very comfortable to wear. I have
never experienced any chafing, as some
other garments produce under these
On my last
measurement session I had
lost 6lb
in weight and
several inches from my
waist, thighs and upper arms. My percentage
body fat had also reduced. I believe that the
contributed to this improvement.
Alongside this
loss I have also noticed that
the skin
on my thighs and stomach has become
softer – obviously a
bonus for anyone,
but especially for me as I have very
dry skin.
downside is
that due to the amount of
sweat produced during my workout the pants are very
damp to wear for any length of time following an
exercise session. But the
discomfort is
worth it for the results the
HOTPANTS™ produce.
In summary, a very
welcome addition to my
exercise wardrobe
amazing results too! My
HOTPANTS™ are definitely here to stay.
Christine Mayle
Unlike Christine I don't go to
exercise classes but have been wearing my
HOTPANTS™ around the house,
gardening and
walking the dog. Obviously my
results will take longer to emerge although wearing
HOTPANTS™ underneath trousers or jeans does
streamline one's silhouette!
The technology used in
HOTPANTS™ works to
reduce body fat and the appearance of
cellulite by using your natural
body heat to warm your muscles by increasing
perspiration. By increasing your
body temperature your heart works harder to boost
circulation thus improving your
cardiovascular system.
Studies have shown that for every gram of
perspiration, your body also
burns half a calorie. So,
100 grams of perspiration nets you almost
50 calories. It is estimated that 30 per cent of
bodily wastes are eliminated by way of
Just like Christine, I've also noticed a
marked improvement in skin tone on my
thighs, tummy and
buttocks and I'm sure I've lost a few millimetres.
PWT rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Zaggora HOTPANTS™ come in four sizes from
small to
extra large and cost £44.99 from