publication date: Aug 1, 2009

vaccination rates are still far lower than levels needed to
protect the population. This is despite the finding of a new
Department of Health survey that over 90 per cent of
parents are aware it is the best way to
protect their child.
The findings follow recent
estimates that suggest over
two million children in England are
at risk from the
disease because they have missed either their
first or second MMR vaccination. And the poll comes as the Department launches a
measles awareness campaign.
From 1 August the
Measles: Is your child safe? roadshow will visit 12
measles hotspots across England to give parents the
opportunity to talk with
health professionals and get the facts on
measles and other
childhood illness, including the most effective ways to
prevent them.
Though preventable, measles is a
highly infectious disease and can be serious. Because it spreads so easily, 95 per cent of the
population needs to be
vaccinated to prevent outbreaks.
one in 15 children who catches measles will develop
more serious complications like deafness, meningitis or brain damage.
One in 5,000 who contracts measles
die. The year before the
MMR vaccine was introduced,
86,000 children caught measles and
16 died.
roadshow will visit towns with
high numbers of children under five who have a
low uptake of the MMR vaccination. Liverpool, Warrington, Manchester, Brighton and Guildford are already experiencing
measles outbreaks. Other
at-risk areas being targeted include: Leeds, Rotherham, Nottingham, Norwich, Ipswich, Reading and Slough.
more information about measles and the MMR vaccine, please visit www.immunisation.nhs/vaccines/mmr
Roadshow schedule: 9am to 5pm Liverpool | Paradise Street
| tbc |
Warrington | Golden Square
| 6 August |
| Brigate
| 7 August |
| Piccadilly Gardens | 8 August |
Rotherham | All Saints Square | 12 August |
Nottingham | Victoria Shopping Centre | 13 August |
| High Street | 14 August |
Norwich | The Forum | 15 August |
| East St Bastion | 19 August |
| Top of the High Street
| 20 August |
Reading | The Oracle Centre - Riverside Beach | 21 August |
Slough | Queensmere Shopping Centre | 22 August |