publication date: Dec 14, 2011

With its first-ever,
free and life-saving app, the
British Red Cross empowers
smartphone users across the world to act in
an emergency. The app features simple,
easy-to-understand advice on 18 everyday
first aid scenarios, as well as
tips on how to prepare for
emergencies, from severe winter weather to
road traffic accidents.
Available for
Apple, Android and
Blackberry, the innovative
free app features videos,
interactive quizzes and simple
step-by-step advice – allowing users to
save lives at a swipe of their
information, including videos, is all hosted on the
app itself, meaning
no internet connection is needed, making it fast and
easy to access.
Studies by the the
British Red Cross show that, although 81 per cent of people believe everyone should know
basic first aid, just half of those surveyed felt
confident they would be able to help if someone
collapsed in front of them.
Red Cross encourages everybody to take the responsibility to
learn first aid before an emergency strikes. This app makes their knowledge and experience in
first aid readily accessible to
smartphone users who can also learn first aid at a time that suits them.
The current version of the
app contains apt advice for the
Christmas and holiday seasons. It also features
winter weather tips on response and preparedness of the cold season. These are in line with the
Ready for Winter campaign which has been launched by the
Red Cross to get the public to arm themselves with
essentials in the event of a cold snap.
To download the
British Red Cross first aid app, use the Quick Response (QR) codes at or find it on iTunes AppStore, Android Market or Blackberry Appworld.