publication date: Jul 28, 2012
author/source: Anne Coates

No one is immune from "
reality slaps" – the
death of someone close to you,
redundancy, a
serious illness (your own or your children's) or less dramatic hurts like
disappointment or
loneliness. Through it all most of us have a
nagging inner voice that criticises how we
act or
react – we are
never good enough (and which
parent has never thought that?) When something
awful happens it is sometimes impossible to
think of anything else and that makes it so
difficult to get on with life in a
meaningful way.
Russ Harris, a medical doctor as well as
psychotherapist, explains
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and how it can help
change the way we
view our lives and
challenges. He gives a range of
techniques and
strategies to help the reader see his or her
problems from a different
perspective. Although there is some "
count your blessings" type advice,
Dr Harris guides the reader gently to face up to
problems and deal with them in a way that means
fulfilment is still possible.
Russ Harris' onw "
reality slap" was the discovery that his son, then aged two, was
autistic. He describes his
reactions and
feelings with raw honesty and charts his own
journey of
Acceptance and Commitment.
The Reality Slap may surprise you in its
effectiveness – it will certainly make you look at your life in a different light!
PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥Published by Robinson
The Reality Slap
is available from Amazon.