publication date: Sep 19, 2009
author/source: Anne Coates

Having a
regular pedicure is a luxury many women
cannot afford and even if your finances
allow for one, you may not have the
time for an appointment. So it's
great when you find a
gadget designed to be used at
home that won't
break the bank either!
I found the
Artemis Woman Heel Smoother really easy and
convenient to use. The
DuraCrystal tips are made with aluminium oxide crystals, the same type used in
professional microdermabrasion
treatments. The tips rotate to
remove dry, dead skin effortlessly and
painlessly. The dual speed motor allows you to
control the pressure applied resulting in a
protected and efficient treatment. There are
two heads - one smaller to use on
toes. So it's goodbye to
hard skin and
cracked heels.Created by women for women, each
Artemis WomanHeel Smoother comes with a 30ml jar of
Topaz Foot Butter with finely ground topaz
gemstone crystals, combining the ancient healing art of
gem therapy with the invigorating
aromatherapy blend of bergamot, tea tree, and lemon
essential oils. Blended together with rich
moisturising shea butter, this enriching formula
ensures your feet will stay
smoother for longer.
Artemis Woman donates two per cent of profits to
support alternative treatments and screenings for
women's cancers. Heel Smoother Pro
costs £24.95 from Amazon plus all orders received
before 31 October will receive a ten per cent