publication date: Sep 22, 2009
author/source: Anne Coates

Adding a
weekly face mask to your
beauty routine is one way to keep your
skin looking fresh and smooth.
If your
skin is suffering from an overdose of
summer sweat and
suncreen (or just needs some
TLC) then it's worth giving the
DCL Clay Mint Mask a try. Ideal for
normal and oily skin types, it contains
kaolin to deep clean your
skin and
pores while the
mint and
anti-bacterial ingredients treat any blemishes and
prevent spots forming.
apply to your
cleansed face and wait ten minutes or until the
mask is dry before
rinsing off with lukewarm water.
Personally I loved the
minty fragrance and both Libby's and my skin felt great afterwards.
maximum benefit, use the mask
once a week.
DCL Clay Mint Mask cost £20/74ml and is available
nationwide; for stockists ring