publication date: Aug 22, 2012
author/source: Christine Mayle

When Anne
suggested a
meditation session during our two night break at
The Lifehouse
Hotel & Spa I was a little hesitant, as I have to confess to being a
complete rooky when it came to this area of
relaxation. I need not have
worried. Dressed in
loose and comfortable casual clothing we assembled in the quiet and lowly lit
library and awaited our coach, Andy. I'm not sure what I
was expecting however I have to admit to being bowled over even as a
timer at the depth of the
Andy carefully
explained the background to
meditation and its
long-term benefits. After the
introduction I was soon sitting (some people chose to lie down) with eyes
closed being coached by Andy's voice through
techniques to ensure maximum
benefit from the (what I thought would be)
one-off session.
Every one of our
was used in reaching a
calm and relaxed state. Andy talked
us back from "our thoughts wandering outside the experience" and managed to make
feel at ease that during
meditation one is not always totally in the
zone but that everyday
concerns do pop up into our thoughts. I was told "this is normal". What a relief!
Andy described
colours, smells, noises and touch across a
range of areas of my body so that at one point I was so
relaxed I almost nodded
off. At the
end of the
45-minute session I felt more in
control of my emotions and fully
As we were at
LifeHouse for two days I chose to attend a
second session with Andy in the late
afternoon. The weather was fine, so he took the group into the
garden and
grounds. Starting by
sitting on mats or towels on the
grass, the
session progressed to "
walking meditation", using the beautiful
surroundings to
calm and relax us. I then realised how much easier it was going
to be to introduce
short meditation sessions into my daily life and that the
type of meditation we decide to use can be
adapted to where we are rather than
needing to find a "
special place" every time.
I often take
out on returning from a busy day to
wander around the garden, using
this activity to re-focus on dealing with
family and
household events. These
sessions have taught me how to make
maximum use of this time and provide on-going
benefits to my
physical and
mental well-being.
On returning home
I have begun to use some of the
simple techniques Andy suggested, particularly
breathing, to create space from my
busy schedule.
If you visit
The LifeHouse Spa & Hotel I would recommend
meditation as a "must do" activity.
classes at the
Lifehouse Spa & Hotel are free for guests.