publication date: Jan 10, 2012
author/source: Anne Coates

Pingi Bag is an efficient and modern method of combating
condensation and dampness in the air. The
Pingi Bag contains patented
silica gel making it rechargeable,
reusable, safe to use with children and an
eco-friendly alternative to reducing moisture in the air.
Pingi Bag absorbs
excess moisture like many
dehumidifying appliances, but it has no
power leads and wires which can prove dangerous around
inquisitive toddlers.
Ideally it can be used in
bedrooms, bathrooms, in or on top of
drawers/ wardrobes and other small spaces where
dampness can occur.
Easy to use, you simply place the specially designed, f
abric bag close to the affected area, and watch the
penguin indicator change from blue to
pink. Once this has happened your bag is saturated.
I have found it particularly
effective by a window which is affected by
condensation and the fact that it can be quickly "recharged" in a
microwave is a real bonus.
Pingi Bags come in three sizes and cost from £8.45 from Lakeland.
PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥