publication date: Mar 25, 2013
author/source: Anne Coates
Little Princess DVDs seem to be arriving fast and furious to keep legions of fans hooked!
The latest, Little Princess – I Love Animals – is another collection of
five stories of about 13 minutes each so perfect to watch singly or the whole set depending on the amount of time you have.
Our resident
reviewer, Harriet, loves these stories and never tires of them, sometimes acting out the narratives in her own
imaginative play.
Each of these animal tales – like all
Little Princess stories – has a little
moral within it and I especially liked the one about
Horace the horse and remembering to say please! With their small
cast of characters, there is a great sense of
familiarity engendered for
young viewers and we learn different things about them each time – like the fact that the
General has never ridden a real horse and the
Prime Minister is not above giving a little extra help to one of the gymkhana competitors!
The episodes based on author
Tony Ross's characters include:
- I Want My Duck by Cass Willing
- I Want My Horace by Dave Ingham
- I Want A Stick Insect by Dave Ingham
- I Want A Gymkhana by Lee Pressman
- I'm Going to Win A Rosette by Carol Noble
PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥Little Princess: I Love Animals [DVD]
is available from Amazon.