publication date: Sep 9, 2011
our guests at a fabulous
Thomas occasion and take home two
goody bags worth £60 each!
Parenting Without Tears has a
family ticket (two adults and two children) to be won.

UK premiere of Day of the Diesels will be the ultimate experience for any
Thomas Fan!
Date: Saturday 17 Spetember, 2011
Time: 11.30am screening
Location: VUE Cinema, Leicester Square
Five runners-up will receive a copy of the DVD:
Thomas & Friends Day of the Diesel released on
26 September, 2011 by
HIT Entertainment.
To be in with a
chance of winning just answer this question:
At which cinema is Day of the Diesels being premiered?
Enter hereThe
first prize will go to the sender of the
first correct email opened at random after 4pm on
Wednesday 14 September, 2011. The senders of the next
five correct emails will receive the
DVD. Only
one entry per household.
No travel expenses are included in this prize.